Time left on black's clock. If this is a number (such as is the case with simple time), it is expressed in milliseconds.
Current player to move
Time the game will end if no move is played, in milliseconds since 1970. This is computed by adding together any main and overtime left on the clock. If start_mode is set, this is the number of milliseconds left on the start clock.
OGS Game id
Time the last move was made, in milliseconds since 1970
pauseIf set, this AdHocClock is updating the pause state
paused_Time the game was paused. This field erroneously exists even after the game has been resumed, this will be removed in these cases.
start_If true, the game has not started and this is the count down until
the game is canceled if a move has not been played yet. If this is
true, then the duration left on the start clock is stored in
(in ms)
Title of the game. This field will be removed.
OGS player id for white
Time left on white's clock. If this is a number (such as is the case with simple time), it is expressed in milliseconds.k
OGS player id for black